Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wreath bust.. pumpkins are going OK


Well, the new wreath is a loser, it just doesn't have the "POP" we want? check it out. iI just doesn't do it for me. It is missing something to make it stand out. The reason we make stuff, is so it looks so special, that anyone will ask where did you get it or WOW, I really like it.

I can pile on the extra goodies like all the filler, and it will just look like same-oh-same, "You made that didn't you." We are not looking for that. I need more time to see what, wrong turn I made. The first thing is JoAnn's Creator used pipe cleaners, I had a time with them, so I gave up and used zip ties. Worked much better, Jo Ann doesn't sell zip ties, hence the white pipe cleaners.

So Next time you go to Home Depot, get some 4 inch zip tie wraps, those ever so handy plastic ties, I like the 4" and grab some longer ones to. We can use them for hanger loops for the wreath for your door.

...Now moving on to the pumpkins...that is another story. I just love this blog it is giving me so many ideas. I went to Home Depot to see about whats in the dryer vent section. All they had was metal venting material. I brought some and tired to bend them into a pumpkin shape. I had made a flat tire ....what good is a flat sided pimpkin?

Since I was looking for the plastic vent material, in California you can't sell it for a dryer venting because of a fire issue. I went to Ace hardware store here in Rancho Cucamonga, the Helpful hardware man was at the door ready to help me. he asked what was wrong with my dryer? I said it's working fine. I wanted plastic venting for a craft item ..I was writing about on my blog.

He has some boxes of the stuff, coming in 4 inch and 3 inch. I brought 22 ft. of the 4 inch, just in case I sell lots of them at my store. It ran about a little under $1.00 a foot. Go out and search it out at a local hardware store in your town or maybe the internet. It took about 2 1/4 feet to make one pumplin. Well somethings work out!!!

When I made my pumpkins here is a tip, the more I added plastic venting to my pumpkins the better they looked. So the TIP is don't skimp on the venting material for each pumpkin.

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