Saturday, August 3, 2013

Curly ribbon add ons for ladies, girls and babies

Well... I have a picture of the items you will need to make some simply cute hair items. Please note that you will need to buy a few things. If you want to have jaws clips with curly ribbons hanging off of them, you will absolutely need to check you clip drawer and look closely to the clips you already own. One always want to use things you already have in your procession, but this is a must to be successful in making jaw clips.

There must be a hole on the top of each side of the clip. You will need to put a wire through it to tie on your hanks of curly ribbons. Note the two jaws clips, see the holes on top of the clip? Ok go and check out your stash of clips, no holes? I like to go to the dollar stores and buy them there, what the heck let face-it, I like to save money on my's part of the fun.

Ok when your out buying your assorted clips, get some large metal clips that are what I call big girl clips and a package of small hair clips too(they're pictured in the above pic, you have seen them everywhere). You can always use them to give to all those little girls, you know. Those little cuties that are always begging for new stuff for their hair. I guess we never out grow the need for new hair stuff. You can put them on gift bags or wrapped packages... use it like ribbon, especially if you work with their mother and it's her birthday. It's a value added gift, it will be better that a fancy lunch to her. There.... is nothing better that a mom walking in the door with something special for her little darling!

Please NOTE......With this project you will need to have narrow gauge wire, like the wire you brought last time you went to Home Depot.

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