Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas pine arrangement gathering items Got pic's Check it out

I was at my local Vons buying a Starbucks coffee and started towards the floral department. I talked with Angelina the department to ask her about buying some green filler, also known as pine tree branches. Angelina was truly an Angel and suggested that she had some wonderful silver tip branches. I have brought 4 branches plus a $3.99 selection of odds and ends of Christmas green items.

Hence you could ask your local grocery store floral department, about what they could do for you. There is so much out there for you to choose from, garlands/wreaths, so for it.

I went to the Home Depot for a poinsettia plant to show you how good it would like in the tall vase. I went by the Christmas tree section, and the Christmas trees where flying out the door. The bin with the cut branches was full. The wonderful tree cutter man asked if he could help me. I asked for some of the branches in the bin. Wow. I got a big bundle. See my pic's. Anyway, back to the poinsettia and the tall vase,I brought in November (remember I spray painted the inside of it to water proof it, and it stinks). The smell has gone away, and I put it in the garage, and cleared out my fall bushes, I threw it in the vase and wow, see my pictures. A good idea for next fall.

I was at Walmart, I spied a small basket arrangement, it was very small, it was priced at $10.99. Besides it being small it appeared to be out of water. My experience is once something is out of water, even for a day, it's life cycle has been cut down, your enjoyment time can is on a short timetable. We need to watch out for these types of situations. If you buy a pre-made arrangement give it a long look, then ask when the next shipment will be in.

Ok, start with your vase or container and cut pieces of the floral foam, pack them tight into the vase. You will need to put water in the vase till it is right up to the top of the foam. Per the instruction on the foam package you need to soak the foam over night to get all the benefits of the wet foam. We want the Christmas greens to stay hydrated during the net fe weeks. I like to keep this arrangement going till the first of January.

Ok, ready to go with the stuff?

See the vase and the green wet foam, it is perfect to stick all the green filler, be sure to cut the branches to size, meaning don't make them to tall as to make the vase tip over or over tower the idea of the arrangement.

Ok you have entire top surface covered, now you can add all those cute items from Von's and the $3.99 bunch of green. Remember to cut to size.

You can add the fun stuff, all those Christmas 90% items you have brought up. I like to add some holly and the red berries to the mix. I took some pict of a long stem of holly that I could add to cover the vase & it's green foam.

thinking of adding gift wrap to cover the vase and put a flat bow on the side of the whole thing. I have put it in my foyer, away from the heater vent, it is sitting on the tile flooring. Will post a pic tomorrow.

I brought a small bottle of Christmas tree saver when I was asking the Home Depot guy for Christmas branch(the stuff that you add the the bottle of the tree to make it last longer) I put it in a spray bottle, mixed as the directions say, to spray on the arrangement. Don't know if the works any better than just making sure there is water in the vase, but it makes me feel better.


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