Friday, February 21, 2014

Spring Sweatshirt 4 U?

I know by watching the news that is is still cold out there in the east of the Mississippi!!!

Lets make a new sweatshirt for you or a BFF or UR sister or mother? Are you tried of the same old-same old colors out there Do you Want something that stands out in the crowd. I simply love "YELLOW' so I have gotten my own colors. I can hearing you say are you out of or mind?

That is a big no!!!!!!! I buy a new sweatshirt in white so I can choose any color I want, and than go to Walmart or Jo Ann's or Michaels to get some fabric dye. Since I love yellow, I buy the bright yellow, a pkg of bright yellow good for one or two shirts. Since a sweatshirt is heavy gauge fabric and if you want a good coverage of your shirt, then one package is what you need.

So lets go out and buy or on-line buy a few new white sweatshirts, then get the color of dye you need to make your shirt merry and fun!!!! Lets say lovely pink, or light shade of easter green?

Think Easter or spring fling...let go for it. I will get mine today, and we will go through the dye process together. (I have been dyeing lots of shirt for years, and they turn out very well, with some of them coming out with a mottled look., meaning high/low coloring effect.) Then we can put on some fabric cut outs or beads on them.

Go out and get your shirts and Dyes

2/26/2014.....I can't find a sweatshirt at Walmart, since it has been warm here, I guess they moved on to tees & shorts.
Going to dig through my stash of shirts, I know I have several white sweatshirts somewhere around here.


I found a hooded sweatshirt at Jo Ann's, however, I am not into hoody's, so I am going with my fruit of the loom men's sweatshirt. To dye it, I will need the following

1. bucket (got mine from $tree store)
2. one bottle of dye or package of dylon dye.
3. salt to set color
4. plastic wrap

I went to the Rit web site and followed the directions, adding hot water to my bucket, mixing the dye,
soaked the shirt, then let it sit in the bucket. They say to take the item out of the dye bath, and wrap in plastic wrap, put it in the microwave for the 2 minutes on high. I think that sets the color.

put in dyer, (take the wrap off) to dry the item. it is now ready to wash in the washer, I don't wash it with other white items. So be warned.

Ok have a new idea, get a pink sweatshirt, and use the spray fabric paint.

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