Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christmas floral Arrangement R U ready?

I got my wet floral foam, and found another larger vase to use as a sample for you to see what ideas's you can use in UR home. Jo Ann's is having a black Friday coupon sale on any regular priced item 4 50% off. I had 3 coupons so I got 3 items. I got a tin vase about 2 feet tall, just right to fit in my front entrance of course by the front door.

I also saw some lights to put in the arrangement, but I think I am going way out there, in the making it look special.

Since this tin vase may leak, I had in the past brought a plastic insert but at times, this still leaked water. The wet foam is the type that holds the water and you can also stick items into the foam to make it stand alone. I also have tried using a tall kitchen plastic bag inside the tin, however, this doesn't work very well. When you stick in your branches of pine, you can poke a hole in the plastic, which would make it a leaker, as my daughter calls them. She works in a food processing plant and that is what they call when the small plastic sauce (you know the hot sauce from taco bell or Del taco) leak on the loading deck or inside the store. What a mess!!!! So let's not a big have mess.

So I got the bright idea of using spray leak guard, like the stuff they advertise to seal a screen door, well if it will work on a screen door it should work on a tin container. I have gotten leak guard from Home Depot,as well as, Walmart. They have a "seen on TV" stuff in the front of the store or somewhere around the check out counter. Will advise after I test it out by putting water in the darn thing. It is better to test your vase out first then having water on your tile, wood floors or carpet.

Will post pic's later today, after the test.

ATTENTION Ladies, this spray leak stuff, stinks, I mean it literally smells. I don't think you or I could get that smell out until next June. So don't use this stuff. The top thought of using real pine branches is so you have the thought of Christmas plus the smell of it. Since I have already used this stuff, I am thinking I can use my heat gun, to dry out the chemicals in the bottom of bucket. The best thing is to go to your local florist or the grocery store that sells flowers, and ask for a yard or so of the clear wrap; they wrap those cute flowers or baby breath in. Come to think of it, buy a few sprigs of baby breath and ask for extra clear wrap.

Now you can find the center of the clear wrap and push the center in the middle of the metal vase. ViolÂ, it is water sealed. You can use the baby breath in the arrangement. (I like to add the baby's breath in a vase and sit it around)

Start with the wet foam (it cuts real easy but don't do it in the living room; go out to the porch or garage to cut (you can use a plastic knife, it is easy cutting stuff) and push the foam into the vase. Add some water to make sure it is not going to leak. That is why you do it away from your beautiful flooring and the foam is powdery and it flies just like jello the color is everywhere. It is safer to be outside of our beautiful Christmas room.

Ok, we are ready to go to the tree lot!!!! But since you don't want to have a dry'd up mess on Christmas day, maybe we should wait another weekend to get our tree cuttings. I talked to my Von's florist and she said her Christmas greens would be in about the 10th of the month. Ask, that would be a good judge when to go to the tree lot.

Post script.....12/07...
I have seen some green flo
ral filler in Von, but it is $3.99 a bunch, I think this is a bit on the high side, so I will be checking with a florist I have gone to in previous years. I have gotton a large bunch of greens and some flowers like mums. Will get back to you.

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