Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christmas floral Arrangement R U ready?

I got my wet floral foam, and found another larger vase to use as a sample for you to see what ideas's you can use in UR home. Jo Ann's is having a black Friday coupon sale on any regular priced item 4 50% off. I had 3 coupons so I got 3 items. I got a tin vase about 2 feet tall, just right to fit in my front entrance of course by the front door.

I also saw some lights to put in the arrangement, but I think I am going way out there, in the making it look special.

Since this tin vase may leak, I had in the past brought a plastic insert but at times, this still leaked water. The wet foam is the type that holds the water and you can also stick items into the foam to make it stand alone. I also have tried using a tall kitchen plastic bag inside the tin, however, this doesn't work very well. When you stick in your branches of pine, you can poke a hole in the plastic, which would make it a leaker, as my daughter calls them. She works in a food processing plant and that is what they call when the small plastic sauce (you know the hot sauce from taco bell or Del taco) leak on the loading deck or inside the store. What a mess!!!! So let's not a big have mess.

So I got the bright idea of using spray leak guard, like the stuff they advertise to seal a screen door, well if it will work on a screen door it should work on a tin container. I have gotten leak guard from Home Depot,as well as, Walmart. They have a "seen on TV" stuff in the front of the store or somewhere around the check out counter. Will advise after I test it out by putting water in the darn thing. It is better to test your vase out first then having water on your tile, wood floors or carpet.

Will post pic's later today, after the test.

ATTENTION Ladies, this spray leak stuff, stinks, I mean it literally smells. I don't think you or I could get that smell out until next June. So don't use this stuff. The top thought of using real pine branches is so you have the thought of Christmas plus the smell of it. Since I have already used this stuff, I am thinking I can use my heat gun, to dry out the chemicals in the bottom of bucket. The best thing is to go to your local florist or the grocery store that sells flowers, and ask for a yard or so of the clear wrap; they wrap those cute flowers or baby breath in. Come to think of it, buy a few sprigs of baby breath and ask for extra clear wrap.

Now you can find the center of the clear wrap and push the center in the middle of the metal vase. ViolÂ, it is water sealed. You can use the baby breath in the arrangement. (I like to add the baby's breath in a vase and sit it around)

Start with the wet foam (it cuts real easy but don't do it in the living room; go out to the porch or garage to cut (you can use a plastic knife, it is easy cutting stuff) and push the foam into the vase. Add some water to make sure it is not going to leak. That is why you do it away from your beautiful flooring and the foam is powdery and it flies just like jello the color is everywhere. It is safer to be outside of our beautiful Christmas room.

Ok, we are ready to go to the tree lot!!!! But since you don't want to have a dry'd up mess on Christmas day, maybe we should wait another weekend to get our tree cuttings. I talked to my Von's florist and she said her Christmas greens would be in about the 10th of the month. Ask, that would be a good judge when to go to the tree lot.

Post script.....12/07...
I have seen some green flo
ral filler in Von, but it is $3.99 a bunch, I think this is a bit on the high side, so I will be checking with a florist I have gone to in previous years. I have gotton a large bunch of greens and some flowers like mums. Will get back to you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas is almost here, the tree's are on the lot? Wreath ready

Hey, Look at this it is almost Christmas!!!!

Do you have your wet foam for your Christmas foliage, decoration? This is the green stuff that goes inside of the arrangement, to keep the Christmas tree cutting alive. So you can keep water in the vase and use the foam as a stand or form for the tree cuttings. That way you can do a snappy looking arrangement without much work. It is like holding everything together the way you want it to look like. So you can add all those cute items you have or are going to put into this arrangement. I saw that Jo Ann's is having all those cuties on sale for 70% in the week of black Friday thru December 6th. So use UR coupons for the foam, and grab up those add ins to this arrangements.

Lets go get all those items so we can do up Christmas real gooooood!

Look at these pic's of my poor Christmas wreath! Wow, I didn't realize what a mess it was, I am just like my friend Toni, I would get it out of the garage rafters and hang it. I would then fluff it and spray it with gold glitter.

You can't see the ribbon but it is plastic and the ribbon is pretty sad. Have I told you about the gold glitter on my front door? Since I sprayed it with the wreath on the door, it glitters very well when the sun hits. Here are some pic of the new and improved wreath. I put much to many red Christmas bulbs on the darn thing but I always say you can't over do christmas.

Not sure where to put a flat bow ...I am thinking about putting it on the top of the wreath. I have a speakeasy, front door so I can't cover up the center of the wreath. If I do I can't see who is at my front door, if I open my speakeasy part of the door. What a great bit of thought has to go into this wreath

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Snowing in UR neck of the woods?

I have a post script to my post about making a new or older sweatshirt glam/glitz for this winter season.

Please see my post ....any who, I was just at Jo Ann's and found a new item I have been looking at for the last several visits.

In the Fabric/tee-shirt paint isle, there is a bottle of spray glitter, coming in silver, clear glitter, red, gold and a type of glue paint (I think it is to spray on UR shirt with the addition of adding your own glitter).

I put it on a black long sleeve tee-shirt, I had appliquéd heart colored fabric on the front & back. I am trying out ideas for Valentine's day. I made a mistake of putting heart shaped fabric cut outs, that is a black background with pink hearts, needless to say; the heart-cut outs simply blended into to black of the tee shirt. So the long and short of this glitter stuff is....I sprayed (pump type spritz bottle) gold glitter. It made the shirt look a bit brighter, but I had to do this spritz glitter thing a total of 3 application to the shirt. Will take a pic of it and post it. Tell me what you think?

I think this could work for our winter sweatshirt idea tooooo. You could spray it on the shoulders, back and down the sleeves, to give it a real different look. Per the instructions on the spray bottle, must wait for 72 hours to wash, plus the item must be turn inside out.

Lets go for it, and look really sparkly and glitzy for these cold days of winter.

11/27/2013 ...I have tested the gold glitter on my Valentine shirt, by washing it in my washing machine, and dried it in the dryer. The glitter is still there.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Christmas Wreath 4 UR Door

I got a comment on gather up your items for making or updating Christmas wreaths.

My Friend Toni, says .... "I have really got to spruce up my Christmas wreath... I've had the same one for about 6 years and every year I just fluff it up and hang it... It really needs some TLC... gonna have to see what I can come up with and I will send you a picture ... thanks for the inspiration.... The blog looks WONDERFUL !!! on Are you ready for Christmas Wreaths?" Her blog is

I really want to thank Toni for this comment since I have the same problem. I will need to take picture of the thing I have and add the new stuff to freshen it up.

i thought Toni and my wreath could use a new bow, something shiny and thought some Red Christmas bulbs to start with. I always have some gold glitter spray to spray on it to give it that special sparkle.

What have you done to your Christmas wreath? Post a comment so we can get some ideas. My front door still has gold glitter spray on it. It looks really good after the wreath has gone in January.

Ok, I took out my wreath and it is a mess. I would fluff it up just like Toni's but I would go one step further, I would spray it with gold glitter, right on the door. The front door would really twinkle in the sunlight well after New Years.

Will update my wreath, I hardly had my pictures taken, didn't even know if they were in focus, I had started taking off the bow, the holly the bells. If found a french horn way down under all that stuff. Wow, I know it was there but never ever thought about it being there. Surprise. Will post pic's as soon as it is done. I always liked to hang it on the door the first day of the Christmas season, well, I maybe a little late, by a few days.

Here is some pic's of my new reinvented Christmas wreath. I still have to put a bow on it, I am thinking of a red flat bow on the top of the wreath.

Ok, I have put a lot of red Christmas bulbs, but I like red and I aways say "you can never have to much stuff on your wreath or decorations cause it is Christmas". Do you see I used the french horn in the new wreath.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's snowing do you have a new sweatshirt to wear?

I just saw on the weather channel that it is snowing in the North east part of the country.

Do you have some new sweatshirts that you can put sparkles on it? I just love glitz and glam on those Fruit of the loom sweatshirts (they have the best Red this season and it is my favorite color) or at the very least a Hanes sweats. You can do it yourself, just buy a sweatshirt or use one of something in UR closet.

Who doesn't need a new decorator glitzy made shirt. I have given this some thought, you can use an old sweatshirt to try this art work out to see if it is what you could live with.

Ok I tried this whole idea and my shirt didn't come out as I imagined it. So I came up with a pre-design idea of doing your design on card stock (see my pic's) I cut out a Christmas tree from my minds eye, and I think it is to fat. Most trees you see in christmas cards or on gift bags are tall and thin. I hand cut a heart out so you could see it also. this is a design card so you can judge if you like it prior to putting it in stone so to speak.

gather up these items

1. Of course the shirt or sweatshirt.
2. Need some gold glitter fabric paint and some silver glitter paint, (if you have some of those fabulous 40% off
coupons from Michael's or Jo Ann's go ahead and use them. Walmart has these paints at a reduced price).

3. You should get some glitz diamonds that you can glue on to the shirt with your paint.

Now you are ready to go ........ if you are using a new sweatshirt, make sure and prewash it in your washer, but the paint folks say not to use fabric softener. Ok let go for it.

Put a paint board (this is a piece of cardboard, that has a coating of plastic on it, so don't do what I have done in the past, do NOT iron the shirt with the board still stuck inside the shirt!!!!!) Why you ask, the coating will come off on your shirt. But if you don't have a board, you can use a piece of cardboard, but to invest in a painting cardboard is cheap enough. So if you plan to do this as gifts, invest in several.

I like to center the sweatshirt by ironing a center line, prior to putting in the cardboard.

Ok ready to go, (a bit of caution here.....Don't wear good clothing when doing this project)
Paint just seems to jump on me and it doesn't wash out, so beware. Even though you can wash out your design with detergent washings, it is one of those small questions that are never answered, go figure.

Looking at the center of the shirt. Put some lines or large ziggy or scribbles lines up and then down in a artsy-fartsy way, see my pic. You can add some more glitter to the paint or some glitz diamonds.

If you don't feel like scribbles you can do an outline of say...a Christmas tree, or maybe hearts. All you would do is find a outline you like of a Christmas tree or hearts. You enlarge the picture of the design on your computer or printer, then cut it out, place it on your shirt. Move it around to see what you like. (hint make sure your are not putting anything that is going to look embarrassing as putting glitter or diamond stones right on your boobs)

Ok, now trace the hearts or whatever, can use a colored pencil or soft white pencil (if you are doing something black).
You are ready to run the glitter paint around the shape. Look!!! Now it is a new painted shirt. Add the diamonds by putting a dot of gold or silver paint and placing the stone in the center. VIOLÁ cute shirt for the price of a little paint. Make sure the paint is dry or you will have a mess.

Here is my shirt, the scribbles didn't look good to me, so I brushed the gold glitter paint.

I just went with it, and didn't like my scribbles, so I like the shirt since it doesn't say Christmas so I can wear it all through the winter season. Did you notice my white softest scarf I am wearing with my red shirt, it is for sale on my web-site. Check it out. It is so warm and soft.

this is really important.....Wash this shirt in only woolite, or similar soap type washing items, wash on gentle and tumble dry. It seems like the new modern detergent will take the paint and glitz right off. But if you get it on your cloths boy oh boy it will not wash out. One of the great questions of the century.

You still have paint left over, so make UR BFF a shirt or your sister one.

Don't forget to check out those Noggins

Remember me talking about Noggins, those cute little sweet things, Patsy makes. They would make very cute stocking stuffers. Check her web-site out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christmas gift ideas....Bud vase 4 ur BFF or Secret pals

This is a repost of an idea I posted in September, I just love the thought so I put out here again, it would make a wonderful gift for Christmas. Do you have a work group that you want to give a little something for all the favors they have done for you though out the year? So here is the repost .........

Do you have a work associates, church, good friends or a favor you need to repay? This is the perfect gift for any of these situations.

To make this item... the very first item is a rose or flower that looks real (really gives you that thought the flower is living and breathing). If it is not looking truly living real, then this gift is not for you.

The moral to this story is if you want to be the envy of your office or have given the best gift to your BFF, get the best flower. Always pick a color that will not go out of season. Brenda's rose was soft pink, I think it was her signature color.

Having looked at all the craft store around here, I found a large section of roses at Hobby Lobby, so I went with soft pink. You can go wrong with that color.

If you don't find the right type of flower than is a waste of time. Jo Ann's had some flowers, but they didn't have roses. It is up to you. I found some "real roses" at Hobby Lobby and then found Walmart had a single rose and if you like a carnation in the crafting section of the store.

Next installment is the vase, and filler. Flower first than the rest, oh, by the way, you will need to buy 3 flowers, since the resin you will be using for fake water is mixed as a one time process, and it will make 2 or 3 vases of fake water. Go with the 3 or just make one and throw out the rest of the resin. (I found I could stretch the resin into 4 vases, so you could make another vase if you don't pour to much into the first three vases).

Well after some problems with my camera, it seems like every picture I took was blurry and out of focus. I was thinking I was getting the shaky so I even put my camera on a tv tray to hold it steady. Lordy lordy, I needed to use my reading glasses to focus. Here are some of those wonderful pict's. I took a pict of my rose to show the slight bend in the stem and the close-up of the rose to show the art of reality, but I am really proud of these pink roses.

The vase pict is showing the pile of rocks I are using prior to pouring the resin into the vase and the crystal pile. I was trying to show how much I used for each vase.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Are you ready for Christmas Wreaths?

Well, it is time to recheck your Christmas wreath for your door. Does it need some updating? Can you remove
some of the items and add new ones? Have you seen the wreaths with lights on them. Can you so that to yours?

Check your local craft store for those fun lights, I have seen them in Hobby Lobby stores. They have a small battery attached so you can hang them in your wreath. The only problem I see is I would forget to turn the darn thing off. I had talked with a person that was buying a spot light that is solar to light up his son's Thomas the train, he had picked out for the front yard. I like the idea of solar lighting, I can't forget about the thing, since it turns off at sun rise.

Anyway check your Wreath and update it and get some new pine cone green stuff too, you can beef up that wreath.

Lets see some pictures of you updated wreath. I can post them to this blog, go out and be creative.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Do you need to bring something to a School or Church Christmas boutique?

Do you need to provide something to the Boutique at your child's school fund raiser? When my daughter was going to school I was asked to donate item(s) that can be sold at a Boutique that equal $50.00. This was a major fund raiser for the school, you're being told if you can't do this then you need to send a check for $50.00.

Well, I am here to help you out with some items for your project. I am sure you can do the whole project for alot less. Here are some ideas for you.

1. BFF flower vases are easy to make and you can pack them in a nice box so your child can carry it into the school. (I have figured the total amount to make 3 vases for $6.07 each or less if you can squeeze 4 vases out of the resin).

You can put a hang tag on the vases with the price of say.....$10.00 (the true value is around $20.00 especially if you give this vase to your BFF for her birthday). You would only need to make 5 vases. You can raise the price of the vase if you wrap the vase portion with clear wrap with a gift bow or use the bow that is on the vase, use the same ribbon to wrap around it. Don't forget the hang tag. Check the bottom on this post I have a web-site you can use to make your hang tags. Just cut it out with those fancy edged scissors, pinch out a small hole in the edge of the tag, tie a ribbon through the hole. Violā, you have a perfect boutique item. Not much work involved. See the blog post for BFF flower vase for the recipe.

2. Aprons are a good seller, you can buy pre-made aprons at Walmart, Michael's or Joann's. ( Michael's and Joann's have coupons in the local paper or on the web usually at 40%). You can prewash the aprons in salt as in the post calling for preserving color in jeans and other items.

You can write funny saying in fabric paint or glitter paint, like excellent cook lives here! or kiss the cook, or I'm the hottest Cook around. You get the idea. Add a hang tag and you have 5 aprons at $10.00 ea.
If you add a gift bag from Walmart for $.75 ea you can raise the price a bit? What do you think.

3. Make a fireplace bucket or basket of fire starters, you could include some kindling wood, large matches, maybe a split log and of course some pine cones that smell like cinnamon. Wrap it all together with some clear wrap along with some of that paper crimp filler you can get at the $tree store. Don't know what price to put on this one. But remember don't buy to big of a bucket or basket you will have to fill it past the money you will spend.

4. Gift bags, buy plain bags at JoAnn's with a 40% coupons, they come in lots of colors. You can stamp prints on the bag or cut out some left over fabric cut out squares and glue them to the bag. Always add a hang tag, with to and from, plus add something thoughtful like love live and laugh.

5. Grab bags, this is going to Walmart and buying some of there Christmas bags that are $.75 (they are a nice size around 5X 9 with handles. Put up some tissue paper also. You can go to the $tree store and get some hair clips, rubber band, house socks. Wrap in tissue paper, do up the bag with tissue paper hanging out of the bag.
Again put a hang tag on it, with something like this grab bag is just for you, or whatever you think is good.

6. Gift basket, buy a basket at the thrift shop or a metal bucket. Ok what do you want to do with the style or theme? Bathroom, candy, towels or what do you think? I guess you can go to JoAnn's and use one of your 40% coupons on a small basket, (remember don't do a Big basket because you will need to fill it.) get some paper filler or the stuff you use for easter baskets. I saw some of this stuff in the $tree store in the wedding section, you may find the basket or container there took.) You'll need some clear wrap too, plus some ribbon to make a bow. I can hear you saying this is to much, you only have to make one! Please keep in mind it is the one with the best item that wins. You want you child to think you are the best Mom in the world. Put a hang tag on it with the price $50.00.

Hang tags go to the "Avery" web site, choose business cards, next page...clip on page 2 go to

Business Cards, Print-to-the-Edge, Tall or Wide, Print Front Only. Clip on select and customize, follow the
directions, pick out images (you can pick out pictures that you want) I like the Valentines section for "hearts". it is your choice. You'll have fun with this one. print your hang tag out on card stock any color will do and punch a hole in the tag, pull ribbon, yarn or gold string, through the hole and tie it to your item.

Hope this gives you some ideas. Have fun with it. Oh yes, you can always do bake goods put them in small gift bags, again add a hang tag. You may add your ingredients or that it is a Betty Cocker cookie mix or cake mix for cupcakes. Check to make sure they will except bake goods with everyone being allergy to some foods especially nuts.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Glam up your Scarves and knit hats

I have listed on my site, some very nice crochet scarves, that I have made. I have found that it is easy to glam or glitz them-up so they set out in the crowd. It is easy to do, so why not do something to last year's scarf?

All you need is some tensel yarn from any craft shop, I found my yarn last year from Micheal's in the Christmas yarn section. Actually it was on an end cap facing the main isle. It came in gold, silver, red and blue, I brought up several skeins of silver and blue.

You will need a yarn needle and a skein of what ever color you think is your "color" or goes with your scarf. I threaded the yarn needle with the sparkly yarn and weaved the yarn through the loops of the stitches, making sure the yarn was not pulled to tight. Remember you want the yarn to go with the scarf (meaning when you wrap the scarf around your neck the tinsel yarn will not snap or at the very least choke yourself) or be scratchy on your neck, you need to think about this. If you wear turtle necks or a high collar coat then UR ok.

See my pic's of what I did to my scarves.

I need to get my husband to take some pic's of me wearing the scarves, Will do that today. I know you have a very good imagation but I don't think even I can do that well, I need pic's.

Here are the pic's he took, I like them, he takes a good picture.