Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Now is the time to check out all the sales on Halloween stuff

Ok, ladies, here is what you need to do .....check out what you may need for next year. I have a wonderful terra cotta pumpkin on my door step. It is perfect for me, it is heavy so the wind will not blow it away, however, it is very useful for me right through thanksgiving. I just simply turn the little cute thing around
so only the pumpkin will show. Viola, instantly, I can continue the fun at my door. The wreath still works and with a pumpkin on the door step, I am good to go till Day after thanksgiving. Then you can change out the pumpkin and wreath, to Christmas items.

Point being is a simple terra cotta item can be really great for you. Check out the sales get a item that will transform your front door or entry way. Think out of the box.

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